Relationship and Health Education

Here at Broomhill Infant School, we follow the Jigsaw Scheme which brings together emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development when teaching PSHE (Personal Social Health and Economic ) as well as covering the health aspects of RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) in an age-appropriate way.

The 6 Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces (half-termly units) are designed so the whole school can study the same themes at the same time, at each year group's correct level. The Puzzle Pieces are sequential and developmental through each academic year. Throughout the year, we link our Core Value Focus for the month to the Puzzle Pieces. The puzzle pieces are:

·         Being Me

·         Celebrating Differences

·         Dreams and Goals

·         Healthy Me

·         Relationships

·         Changing Me

You can find out more about JIGSAW by downloading the PDF guides for parents using the link below:

Jigsaw Curriculum Information for Parents