PE and sport at Broomhill Infant school.
The core of our PE and sport is built on our membership of the Arches School Sport Partnership. We are currently part of a two year bronze package programme.
This involves having a dedicated coach and added expert coaches working alongside staff in school every Wednesday. Each class has a one hour session with the coach.
Our coach also runs after school clubs and lunchtime activities and supervises Change4Life games and equipment on the playground through the Positive Playtime programme.

This year our focus is as follows:

Autumn 1: Intro to PE, Ball Skills & Fundamentals

Autumn 2: Gymnastics & Yoga

Spring 1: Dance & Fitness

Spring 2: Ball Skills, Sending and Receiving & Team Building

Summer 1: Games, Net and Wall & Invasion

Summer 2: Fundamentals, Athletics and Striking & Fielding


Physical Education at Broomhill Infant School is active, creative and builds confidence. It is a cross curricular discipline which develops social, emotional and cognitive aspects of our children’s learning.

It is our intention that Physical Education at Broomhill Infant School is accessible to all. All pupils will widen their skill base to enjoy an increasing range of physical activities and take this confidence into the wider curriculum and their broader lives.



Physical Education is delivered through two PE lessons per week. One is directed by a dedicated sports coach from the Arches Schools/Sport Partnership and the other lesson by the class teacher. The Get-Set- 4 PE scheme is used for planning, progression and assessment of these sessions. (See this year’s timetable for content)

Each class experiences the curriculum through a Forest School Day each week. This is an important part of physical development and well-being.

Active breaks, brain-gym and standing tasks are practised in the classrooms throughout the day. EYFS children have daily free flow access to outside facilities which develop gross and fine motor skills.

Climbing and organised skipping and running activities e.g. The Broomhill Mile take place on the playground at break and lunchtimes. After- school- club reinforces these active and creative games and challenges at the end of the day.

After school clubs based on sport and well-being are available on two days each week.

Children are encouraged to walk, scoot or ride to school and embrace this with enthusiasm.


We measure the success of our PE curriculum with half termly ongoing assessments of skills and improvement of confidence and agility. We celebrate sporting and physical achievement in an assembly once a week. Take up of sports clubs and the impact of sports leaders in school is monitored. Improvement of personal best scores are encouraged and noted. Certificates to acknowledge participation in dance activities or the Broomhill Mile are awarded. We conduct audits throughout the year to gauge interest and participation in physical activity outside school and note any increase in this and where the gaps lie.

After school clubs 

We aim to offer as many children as possible the opportunity to take part in extracurricular after school sports clubs by offering 4 week blocks. The clubs are offered each term and include sports such as Basketball, Tag Rugby, Hockey, Football, Gymnastics, Dodgeball and many more.

The PE and sports year

  • All children & staff wear a PE kit on PE days which puts them in the correct frame of mind for some enjoyable and challenging physical activity.
  • We follow Get Set 4 PE scheme of work across the whole school for our PE curriculum which allows for a wide variety of sports to be accessed and a progression of the skills through their time in school.
  • Inter class competition using the houses is being introduced this year. 
  • Our annual involvement in events/competitions out of school offered to us such as the Octagon Dance, Active Archie Festival at the EIS, S10 cluster Athletics. 
  • Partnerships with providers outside of school to give children experiences include balance bike days, Sports Taster Sessions such as Martial Arts, Olympic Athlete visits 
  • In Term 2 the Y2 Sports Leaders start their training to work on the playground at lunchtimes delivering games
  • Our year culminates in a grand celebration of the year’s work at the Goodwin Sports ground for our Broomhill Sports Day. Mixed age groups form teams to participate in the competition. They are always well supported by parents and friends of the school.


In 2023/24 we achieved the Sheffield Schools Gold Award for our attainment in P.E. and sport